no thanks

Please, don't say thank you

A thumbs-up is enough to say thank you... 👍

❌ Don't do this

Keith's Slack avatar Keith 2:15 PM
hi, question: what time was that thing?
Tim's Slack avatar Tim 2:19 PM
at 3:30
Keith's Slack avatar Keith 2:20 PM
thanks! 😊
Tim's Slack avatar Tim 2:20 PM

Note that Keith and Tim could have avoided sending a third and fourth message. In fact, Keith, and later Tim, could have refrained from bothering the whole group with mutual thanks!

People who act like this usually try to be polite, and the communicate as they would do in person or on the phone - and that's fine! But we're in 2024, and the chat is neither. Most people don't want off-topic messages in their chat. So despite the best intentions, you're basically filling the chat with unnecessary messages, which is a waste of time (and a bit annoying).

The same goes for:

  • "Thanks a lot!"
  • "thanksss"
  • "Thank you all"
  • "tysm"
  • "hey, thanks"
  • etc.

Use a reaction! 😫

✅ Try this instead

Dawn's Slack avatar Dawn 2:15 PM
hey, what time was that thing? Thanks!
Tim's Slack avatar Tim 2:15 PM
hey, 3:30. You're welcome! :D
Dawn reacted with a thumbs-up!

If you think you're being rude by asking and simply saying "Thank you" later, you can end your message with all the thanks you want.

For example:

  • "hey, how's it going? any idea about the deadline for that thing? thanks a lot"
  • "I hope everything is going well. I have a question, when you have a moment, thanks in advance"
  • "hey, if you're not busy, could you update the NFRs? Thanks"
  • etc.

Thanking before the actual answer avoids many other unnecessary thanks, making you appear even more polite. If another person had the same question, reading your response would make them want to thank you. Bam, just use a reaction 👍 and it's all good. No unnecessary notifications.

When it's a reaction - everyone is happy! 🎉