All Classes and Interfaces

Implementation of UserDetails that represents a user
This class is used by spring security to authenticate and authorize users
This exception is thrown when the credentials are not found in the request made to the server.
The Availability class is an entity model object.
Filters to apply to the Availability query.
This exception is thrown when an availability is not found.
Repository for Availability entity.
This class is used to resolve the bucket for each method.
The Category entity that represents a category of a Citizen.
The Citizen class is an entity that represents a citizen.
The CitizenCategory entity that represents a category of a Citizen.
Repository for Citizen entity.
Week days.
This class handles the exceptions thrown by the GraphQL queries and mutations.
Exception thrown when an invalid availability ID is passed to a method.
Exception thrown when the generic data from the request are invalid.
Exception thrown when an email is invalid.
This exception is thrown when a refresh token is invalid.
This exception is thrown when a generic request type is not valid.
Exception thrown when a worker tries to perform an invalid or not allowed action.
This class represents a JWT token.
Filter that intercepts every request and checks if the user is authenticated.
This class is used to generate and validate JWT tokens.
Record containing the JWTs
DTO containing the output of the login operation.
Map a Request to an Availability object.
Map the RegisterInputDB to User and JWT to LoginOutput.
The Notification entity that represents a notification that can be requested by a User to a Office.
Class used to represent the input of the notification service, that is the input from the user.
This class is used to store the data of a notification input, together with the data of the user, the office and the request type.
This exception is thrown when a notification requested by id is not found.
Repository for the Notification entity.
The Office class is an entity that represents an office, which is a place where workers can manages Request requests.
This class is used to store the data of an office input from the user.
This exception is thrown when an office is not found.
Exception thrown when an office is overloaded and cannot accept more requests.
Repository for Office entity
This class represents the working days of an office, which are defined by the day of the week, the start time and the end time.
Repository for OfficeWorkingDay entity.
Spring Boot main class.
This enum contains all the rate limiters used in the application.
This exception is thrown when the user has exceeded the rate limit.
Redis configuration class.
This class is used to store the data of a register input.
Class used to store the data of a user to be registered in the database.
This class represents the details of a report.
The Request class is an entity that represents a request made by a Worker to the RequestType of his choice.
This class is used to analyze the request and extract the JWT token from the Authorization header.
Class that represents the input of a request.
This exception is thrown when a request is not found.
The RequestOffice class is an entity that represents the relationship between a Request and an Office.
Repository for the RequestOffice entity.
Repository for the Request entity.
The type Request type entity.
This exception is thrown when a user tries to access a request type that does not exist.
Repository for the RequestType entity.
Repository for the Availability entity.
Enum for the roles of the clients
Security configuration class.
Status of a Availability.
This exception is thrown when an access token is not found in Redis.
The User class is an entity that represents a user, or costumers, of the application.
Exception thrown when a user already exists in the database.
Controller for user authentication and registration.
Service that provides the methods to authenticate the user.
Implementation of UserAuthService, which provides methods for user authentication.
Controller for all the user mutations.
Service that handles the mutation of the user entity.
This class implements the UserMutationService interface.
This exception is thrown when a user is not found.
This exception is thrown when a user / worker ID is not found in the database.
Controller for user queries.
Service for querying user data.
Implementation of UserQueryService.
Repository for the User entity.
Interface that represents a user or a worker.
Service that handles the mutation of the user and worker data
Implementation of UserWorkerMutationService.
Controller for user and worker queries.
Service for querying data for the user and worker.
Implementation of UserWorkerQueryService
The Worker class is an entity that represents a worker.
Controller for worker authentication and registration.
Service for worker authentication.
Implementation of WorkerAuthService, provides methods for authentication of Worker
WorkerInput is the class that represents the input data from the worker.
Controller for worker mutations.
Service for worker mutation operations.
Implementation of WorkerMutationService.
Exception thrown when a worker is not found.
Controller for worker queries.
Service for querying the database for information about requests.
Implementation of WorkerQueryService.
Repository for the Worker entity.
This exception is thrown when the user has entered a wrong password.