Class ReportDetails


public class ReportDetails extends Object
This class represents the details of a report. Used to show the details of a report in the report page.
  • Field Details

    • fiscalCode

      private String fiscalCode
      The fiscal code of the user.
    • name

      private String name
      The name of the user.
    • surname

      private String surname
      The surname of the user.
    • cityOfBirth

      private String cityOfBirth
      The city of birth of the user.
    • dateOfBirth

      private Date dateOfBirth
      The date of birth of the user.
    • dateOfAvailability

      private Date dateOfAvailability
      The date of availability requested by the user.
    • startTime

      private LocalTime startTime
      The time of availability requested by the user.
    • nameRequestType

      private String nameRequestType
      The RequestType of the request.
    • officeName

      private String officeName
      The name of the office.
    • address

      private String address
      The address of the office.
  • Constructor Details

    • ReportDetails

      public ReportDetails()